simple... 1- you can let them cool off a bit and discuss the issue later then... 2- you sit and just listen to their problems, then the problems that you can fix, fix them but important thing is just listen to them
well it depends how mad she really gets... FIRST OF ALL.... DONT GET HER A GIFT... in my opinion that's the stupidest thing you can do when a girl is mad at ya. Ask her what you did wrong nicely and tell her that you will try your hardest to make things work... and unless your really into her, don't tell her that you love her.Just tell her that you really like her and you hope that she likes you too! Your welcome. Hopeit works out!!!
Say this "Ohhh well okay if that's what your heart is telling you there's nothing I can do and well you know what they say if you love somebody set them free and if they REALLY love you they'll come back. So ima set you free now I just want you to know I love you and I'll be here waiting so if you ever wana come back to me:( bye bye<33" and stop texting her completely until she texts you!
wait until he breaks up with her then go from there
ask her why and try to get over her
Well not likely unless he breaks up with his girlfriend first.
Gary Unmarried - 2008 Gary Breaks Up His Ex-Wife and Girlfriend 1-5 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:AL
make sure that he is flirting with you...and if he really does like you then tell him that you cant go out with him until he breaks up with his girlfriend. lied to her...its kinda your fault. sorry =C
i listen to "sittin at a bar" by Rehab and "she fu**in hates me" by puddle of mudd
Well you can wait util he breaks up wih her. Or ask him out.
just try to get along if it doesn't work someone should leave.
dont go for it hes trying to make his girl friend jealous but if he breaks up with her be there for him.
Yes! you can broke up your girlfriend on a third chance is so easy just say this is not working out or you can say I'm braking up with you.
Well, if this GUY has asked YOU out while he is dating SOMEONE else, you don't give him a answer. If he breaks up with his girlfriend, then you no he likes you and not her and then give him a answer! But if he doesn't break up with his girlfriend, you now no that he thinks this a game. If so, don't give him a answer!