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simple... 1- you can let them cool off a bit and discuss the issue later then... 2- you sit and just listen to their problems, then the problems that you can fix, fix them but important thing is just listen to them

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17y ago
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13y ago

well it depends how mad she really gets... FIRST OF ALL.... DONT GET HER A GIFT... in my opinion that's the stupidest thing you can do when a girl is mad at ya. Ask her what you did wrong nicely and tell her that you will try your hardest to make things work... and unless your really into her, don't tell her that you love her.Just tell her that you really like her and you hope that she likes you too! Your welcome. Hopeit works out!!!

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16y ago

It really depends on why she is mad at you, it is best not to say anything until she is calm and let her do all the talking. Then when she has said what SHE needs to apologize cheer her up and leave her thinking it won't happen again.

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12y ago

Say this "Ohhh well okay if that's what your heart is telling you there's nothing I can do and well you know what they say if you love somebody set them free and if they REALLY love you they'll come back. So ima set you free now I just want you to know I love you and I'll be here waiting so if you ever wana come back to me:( bye bye<33" and stop texting her completely until she texts you!

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17y ago

If you are sorry tell her how you feel and then give her some time and space and see how things go. She may just need to cool off and then she will come around. Don't pester her though.

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16y ago

try to comfort her make her feel like the queen of the world because you never want to go to bed mad at someone

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14y ago

when your partner is mad just ask him/her to talk and fix things that way or dump him/her.

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12y ago

go give her a hug and a kiss and say sorry to her

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15y ago

love her for being mad :)

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