There is a paper that comes with every pill pack. The answers should be in there. If you don't have the paper or can't find the answers you need, call the Doctor Who put you on the pill, they will be able to help you more. You need to use a back up method of protection until you find out what you need to do. (Such as a condom) Hope this answers your question,.
Most active pills are of the same dosage so if for example you took the wrong Monday pill, to ensure you don't get confused, you should continue taking the rest of the week pills from the correct row and when you get to the following Monday, take the one you missed and go forward from them. You may need to ask your doctor about the dosages because I know some pills have different dosages every week.
Take the baby first, then come back for the dog, but take the baby back to where the pills are, drop the baby off pick up the pills and take them to the dog, after, the baby is the only one that's left to take :L
You should take your birth control pills in order and on schedule regardless of bleeding. If you have questions about your bleeding, call the prescriber, but keep taking the pills.
Hello - You start taking birth control pills on the last day of your period. You will have seven pills which are a different colour from the other pills. The seven different coloured pills are the "non- active or sugar pills" which you start taking after you have finished taking the active pills. The active pills are the 28+ different coloured pills from the non active ones.
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If you are referring to birth control pills, they should be taken exactly as prescribed. If you take the pink and white pills out of order, it can throw off your period and not be as effective in preventing pregnancy.
You should only take the amount that your doctor or pharmacist has recommended. If your prescription says to take 2 pills, take 2 pills.
Take Pills was created on 2007-06-19.
no its not healthy to take diet pills
No. You must not switch pills without doctor's order.
Some pills do. What pills do you take?