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Well what will happen is you will mess up your nipple, you will not have pierced it correctly, and you will possibly end up with a secondary infection. WikiAnswers is not a venue to provide how to information that can lead to personal injury. See a professional body piercer, be smart.

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9y ago

If your nipple has a cut, you may get some relief from putting a small amount of triple antibiotic ointment on it to help it heal. If it doesn't get a little better each day, see your health care provider.

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12y ago

as long as its not a deep cut your body will just heal the same as a cut on your finger would.

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9y ago

A surgeon could try to re-attach it. But because of dense sensory nerves, the likelihood of success would be very dire. You would end up with chroni24-hour a day nerve pain.

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13y ago

go to your gp and get it checked out,

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Q: What do you do if your nipple has a cut?
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If you cut off a nipple will it grow back?

no. All you'll get is a scar.

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You insert the correct size wrench into the pipe and as you unscrew it, a cam grabs the inside and hopefully unscrews the nipple. It may break also. Most pipes are rusted too tight for an internal pipe wrench to loosen them. What you can do that takes a little time is insert a hacksaw blade in the nipple and cut a notch through the nipple. This relives the pressure on the nipple. Tap around the edge with a screwdriver or chisel and then try the wrench. For extremely rusty pipes, cut the nipple in 3 places and knock out the pieces.

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A nipple is a nipple, simple as that. The sometimes darker // pinker skin around the nipple is called the aureole.

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The nipple is lateral to the sternum.

What bra is just on the nipple?

nipple bras.

Is it normal to have 2 nipple holes in one nipple?

Yes, each normal nipple has multiple openings.

What would happen if your nipple got cut off?

Either you could save the nipple in ice, get to a hospital quick-like and get it surgically replaced (hoping for the best), or you would have a nasty flesh wound that would require you to go to the hospital ANYWAY, and would then require a lot of healing, pain meds, and plenty of bandages, leaving you with one brutal-looking scar where a nipple once was.

Can a mosquito bite a nipple?

If the nipple is exposed, then yes.

What does it mean if you get a nipple piercing?

That you decided to get a nipple piercing.

What is nipple as a decimal?

Nipple as a decimal is fat. Giggle boobie

When was Nipple - album - created?

Nipple - album - was created in 1994.