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You ask him about it, but he might not want to do it.

I always believed that if you want circumcised guys, stick with circumcised guys.

Also, consider that circumcision is meant as a way for Jewish families to show their obedience to God. You should consider doing some research into the purpose and process of circumcision, as well as potential risks and benefits. Then consider whether you should make this request- it is comparable to a guy asking his girlfriend/lover/wife to get breast implants.

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See a urologist.

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Q: What do you do if you want your uncircumcised boyfriend husband or lover to get circumcised?
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A boyfriend is a romantically favored male. This can be someone you are dating, or just hanging out with. There does not have to be any physical intimacy (sex) involved. A lover is someone that you are intimately involved with. You can have a boyfriend without him being your lover, but it is assumed that if you have a lover he is your exclusive boyfriend.

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Well because I'm christain i beleve its God. But your boyfriend, lover or husband can love you heaps. what do you think?

Can uncircumsized man give a woman infection?

A woman can get a sexually transmitted infection from any man, regardless of whether he is circumcised or uncircumcised. Uncircumcised penises transmit more infections than circumcised penises. Latex condoms should always be used during sexual intercourse to avoid the transmission of sexually transmitted infections including HIV.

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Via marriage.

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Only if I am the lover. What are you, stoned or stupid?

Is a boyfriend and a lover same?

No, but they can be. The differences consist of with whom you have sex.