You feel nausea and / or vomiting during third month of pregnancy. That is unpleasant feeling. But then you have the life time happiness at your hand after few months and there is your hubby to support you psychologically. Apart from this nausea, all the other nausea are totally unpleasant.
Taking vitamin B6 is an excellent idea when you're pregnant. My friend had terrible morning sickness and her doctor recommended trying it and it worked very well. Also it helps to eat every 1-2 hours, not a full meal, but saltines or something else easy on the stomach. And definitely liquids. about going to the nearest toilet and throw up if you have too or if you are in a car do it out the window or in a bag that might be in the car, or if you are outside throw up otside just try not to do it where people walk or on somebodys property! okay.. so a have fun with your nausouseness! and sorry you feel bad!
There are many things you can do to relieve your feelings of anxiety.
The best is to identify what is making you anxious and then you can problem solve on overcoming the uncomfortable emotion. Once you identify the problem, reason with yourself as to its solvability. If there is nothing you can do about it, then you know right away to change your thinking. If there is something you can do, select the best option, with as clear a mind as possible.
You can also calm yourself with positive self-talk. Talk to yourself. Remind your brain that anxiety is an emotion that is shared by all living creatures, that it is a very important emotion for keeping you alive, that you have been anxious before and will be anxious again the future, and that you can overcome these feelings.
Sometimes, as is the case with phobias, you hold an exaggerated fear of something which may or may not be actually dangerous. A fear of small spaces exists not because small spaces are actually dangerous, only because your brain dictates 'If I am in a small space, I won't be able to cope and will be in danger.' This thought triggers a complex reaction of chemicals throughout your body, causing you to panic, sweat, feel tense, and afraid. Restoring your thinking to 'I can cope' is necessary to overcome the anxious feelings.
The next time you feel anxious, remind yourself that, no matter what happens: 'I can cope with this.'
Type your answer here... You feel queasy when u are nauseous
It is very normal to feel nauseous during your period due to the pain you may experience as well as hormones
This means to feel nauseous or seasick.
Well, in order to be nauseous is to get sick first. Eat something bad and maybe that will help.
If you are feeling nauseous, feel dizzy or feel weak you are probaly pregnant.
does anyone care
There are many things that can cause a person to feel nauseous. Pregnancy is one common cause. An upset stomach from something a person ate could make them feel that way. Motion sickness is another cause.
Jamie started to feel nauseous as she looked over the side of the boat at the ugly black water sloshing against the sides.
According to my wife, you might not feel anything for a while, except you might feel slightly nauseous.
nausea can also mean to be nauseous. Or feel like you will puke.