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== == == == * They are large in size == == * Most women are far more intelligent than to worry about penis size. It is true that boyfriends want to hear that they are good lovers as far as sex is concerned, but also, men of any age usually like to hear their girlfriend or wife say they feel safe when they are with him. Men are about masculinity which includes protecting the weaker sex, working hard, have a sense of humor and listening to what she may have to say and that he loves her. Of course in reality not all men are like this (and not all women are 'sugar and spice and everything nice.') A smart confident woman knows she is quite capable of looking after herself (at least a good percentage of women) but the truth of the matter is, we do need a good man beside us to make us feel safe in an otherwise harsh world. For women of any substance they see through 'large sized penis' and see what the man is really made out .. his inner soul. == == * Here's my Top Ten List: * Just sit there, I'll bring you a beer. * I left the seat up for you. * It's sooo big! * I've never done this before. * Don't worry. We can live on my salary. * You can't miss Joe's bachelor party. * I don't like condoms either. * Let's have a three-way with my best friend. * Of course I'll swallow. * MMFFTF! * I love you with all my heart. * Do you want to have my baby.

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Most girls love to hear how much you love them, be honest and sincere about it. Just saying ILY or I <3 U is okay but most girls would prefer to hear "I love you,". Girls also love it when you compliment them like telling them they're gorgeous or beautiful. Try to be more detailed, pretty and hot are okay but we like it better when you call us gorgeous or beautiful or irresistible or stunning. Make sure you compliment them enough we like to feel loved and appreciated. Sorry if this is a lot to take in but I hope this helps :) .

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Women like to hear their boyfriends say that Darling I love you.

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