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If your boyfriend wants to date other women you are not worth his time. If he wants to act like this you should find yourself another boyfriend because he is not reliable. If you truly do like this man tell him how you feel and say that this relatonship will be over if he goes out with anybody else.

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Q: What if my boyfriend wants to date other women?
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Tell you boyfriend you are a one man woman and you don't share! It is wrong for your boyfriend to want to date you and another woman. He lacks commitment. If he continues on with this then show him the door as he may just cheat on you.

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* He's immature and he is acting like a kid in a candy shop. He wants to be free to date those women he finds attractive and desires. He doesn't realize that many of those women would probably reject him and some may accept a date out with him. You should walk away from your boyfriend because he is being unnecessarily cruel to you and you can do much better than him. Be kind ... give him his wish!

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Let them be. If you broke up with him, he is free to date whoever he wants. If he broke up with you for her, your feelings may be hurt, but let them date anyway.

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I don't have experience with relationships cuz I'm 15 and still don't have a boyfriend, but my sister does, and she says that you should wait a little to see if she is only dating you to make out with you and other things or if she wants more than just that, if she wants a slow romantic relationship, then he should kiss her on a really romantic date, maybe date #4 or #5!!! hope that helps!!!!

You cheated on your boyfriend and now he wants you back?

Date him again! He obviously likes you a lot, because if someone cheats on you then you seriously shouldn't date them. And if he wants to take that big of a risk again and be with you, he's worth it.

When your boyfriend wants to date you and a friend with benefits does this mean you are not good enough?

You ARE good enough, he is NOT, kick him to the curb immediately.

How do you know when your boyfriend wants you to break up with him?

he dosent spend alot of time with you and he avoids you when u dont have a date.