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We like how "Distinguished" they are! Mature, gracefully aged, knowledgeable, debonair, and some men are very attractive in their 50's! They do have alot to offer.

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Q: What do women in their thirties like about men in their fifties?
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men in their thirties prefer anyone who he is atracted to and is willing to be intimate.

What were men like in the fifties?

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there was free labor back in the nineteen fifties

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There is no such thing as "male menopause." Menopause means a time when menses stops. Men never have menses, so they can't have a time when it stops. If you are asking when a man is too old to be fertile, there is also no age for that. Unlike women, men are capable of fathering a child until the day they die. If you are asking about the psychological phenomenon of mid-life crisis, then it can happen anywhere from mid-thirties to mid-fifties.

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yes! because men like women for there looks. and women like men for there acts.

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Answer Women have been known to have an interest in sex well into their 80's. Some men too but probably not as many men as women.

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