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Having to many sodas, honey, malasses ,or brown rice and maple syrup causes a brown tongue.

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13y ago
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10y ago

Typically bacteria will cause your tongue to turn brown. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed by your doctor.

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12y ago

Brown discoloration of the tongue may be caused be an unexpected expulsion while servicing your partners backside.

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It will not turn the color brown, but hopefully the anus is cleaned before performing anal oral sex.

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No, however mediation is a leading cause of tongue browning. Put a little lemon juice on it before placing back in the refrigerator.

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Brown spots on your tongue can occur for a number of reasons. It can be a fungus from tobacco or oral cancer.

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One reason could be the increased amount of sunlight inducing the brown color in the sclera.

What causes engine coolant to turn brown?

it turns brown when it is burnt, hasn't been changed often enough, you can replace it and you should be find