Endorphins(the body's natural morphine) are released when laughing. Just like medical pain stillers the endorphins also cause a numbing of the nerve endings, causing a feeling of weakness.
When you laugh you breathe in a lot of air and that causes hiccups
A happy person. Although lots of people who like to laugh or laugh a lot, are most likely sad from the inside.
There is no logical reasoning behind the idea that people with the letter z in front of their name laugh a lot. Therefore, the answer is no.
It is not your stomach, it is your diaphragm under your stomach that is hurting. Laughing interferes with your breathing rythm When you laugh a lot you are contracting and relaxing your muscles in your stomach, kinda like doing a lot of curlups.
my 7 year old son taps his hands a lot this seems to be getting worse, now his arm is twitching to, what could it be?
You spell "laugh" is Swahili as follows: l, a, u, g, h.The Swahili verb that means to laugh is kucheka. Alicheka sana (He laughed a lot)
Sounds like he likes you a lot.
They might think you're depressed, but a lot of people just like making people laugh.
No they just get weak
Well , it depends . Is he still smiling at you ? Is he staring at you ? Does he make you laugh a lot ? Does talk to you a lot ?
its normal nothing to worry about
Yes he does. In many interviews he says " I like girls with a nice smile and can make me laugh" There fore its obvious he likes girls who laugh alot.