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They might think you're depressed, but a lot of people just like making people laugh.

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Q: Why are People Trying To Make Me Laugh?
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Why people are trying to make you Laugh?

either they are secretly in love with you, or, someone is just trying just to be friendly.

Can you help me because i am having weird dream that people are trying to make me laugh because i don't like laughing?

The Dream is That Comedians even T.V. Sitcom Characters are trying to make me laugh because I don't Laugh at Funny Things or T.V. Sitcoms.

Is bo burnham racist?

NO OFCOURSE NOT! his songs may be a little or a lot racist but that doesnt mean he is he is just trying to get his audience to laugh and trying to get better to make people laugh there is nothing wrong with that!

What does it mean when a boy is trying to make you laugh all the time?

In fact, he's wanting to laugh, and is using you to make him laugh too.

Can Funny People not make you laugh?

Funny People can make you laugh!!!!!!!!

What is a laughing contest?

A laughing contest is where 2 or more people have a contest trying to make each other laugh the last person who didn't laugh wins.

How do comedians make people laugh?

comedians make people laugh by telling people `joke's` that are funny and then people obviously laugh . :)

Why is it that when they talk to you they try to make you laugh?

trying to make a friend and ruining there style

How do you make a kookaburra laugh?

The kookaburra's laugh is a territorial call. People cannot make a kookaburra laugh.

Why are people trying to get me to laugh?

because you are a very serious person or your friends are trying to impress you :D

How come your teacher is always trying to make you laugh?

You may appear sad to her or too intense and have not learned to have fun. Your teacher is trying to make you feel better about yourself and it is true that laughter is the best medicine. Be thankful your teacher is trying to make you laugh and make you feel better about yourself.

What is a person who make people laugh called?

A person who makes people laugh is called a comedian.