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Q: What causes men to feel hot all the time?
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Why do you feel hot all the time?

Its Because, your really stessed. Or you probably overweight, which gets really hard for you to move. and when you do, you feel hot. Try to get up once in a while

What causes a hot water heater element to short out?

if an element is constantly expanding and contracting (if you keep switching the hot water heater off and on again) all the time it causes cracks and over time the water leaks into the element causing it to short which means you have to replace it.

Why do we feel hot during raining time?


What is hot heart?

Your happy or excited. You have feelings about somebody you like and have care and respect about them all the time. When they make you feel happy.

Why do you feel thirsty when tired?

You are probably mildly dehydrated which then causes you to feel tired. Drink water regularly, especially when it is hot, even if you are mostly inside.

Why does your ears get hot?

Because the rest of your body is feeling hot. When you feel hot, the capillaries (small blood vessels) in your ears dilate, or spread out, so that more heat can escape from the blood. Sometimes, when you feel embarrassed, your body is under stress, from muscle action and various substances released from your glands due to your body's reaction to that emotion. This causes the same thing as when you feel hot to happen, and your capillaries in your ears, and sometimes your face, dilate, causing a rush of warm blood to reach those areas.

What causes a hot spring?

what causes a hot spring

What causes the heat that we feel on a hot sunny day?

It is the energy of the electromagnetic radiation, which sunlight is.

What causes hot flashes in feet?

Why do i get red all over when i have a hotflash

Why does sunlight cause your skin to feel warm?

Sunlight contains ultraviolet (UV) radiation that penetrates the skin and is absorbed by cells. This energy is converted into heat, which causes the skin to feel warm. Additionally, sunlight triggers the production of melanin, a pigment that helps protect the skin from UV damage.

How do you know if you have a high fever?

you feel hot. you feel hot.

Is it cold or hot in Canada?

Canada is hot in summer since sunlight melts the snow. Snow causes temperature to drop, and Canadians don't like the snow because its not hot. If we remove all of the snow from the Earth, the world would be less cold