They don't. It's not just one gender as that would be plain sexist. It is because of the sweat that gathers on their body and that releases a smell. The human body releases sweat for cooling the body, and that sweat also contains toxins, bacteria, and hormone metabolites. If boys smell more, it is probably because they play more sports like football and sweat more. However girls cover it up with deodorant. So in fact, anyone can have body odor.
Not drinking enough water
Strong smelling urine can occur from a few sources, my answer is incomplete but at least you'll have more info. If you are dehydrated or not drinking enough water. Depending on the smell. you have have an infection which really needs to be treated by a Dr.
Eating too much guava.
UTI could cause smelly urine. If its yeasty smelling it could be vaginal yeast infection but could also be a UTI. Go to the doc and get a urine test. Always the best thing to do :)
The distinct odor of cat urine, often described as smelling like ammonia, is caused by the presence of urea and other compounds in the urine that break down into ammonia when exposed to air.
strong smelling urine and bloated stomach
Any number of causes. Food and the start of a period.
She's testing her scent. That 'smile' is really their way of smelling easier. Cats usually do this when smelling other cats bottoms or urine. They can get a lot of information about the cat they're smelling this way.
Sweet smelling urine can indicate serious medical issues, including diabetes. Pregnant women can also have sweet smelling urine. If a person's urine smells sweet, they should probably see a doctor to determine the cause. Once a cause is determined, the doctor can decide on a treatment.
you ate something bad tasting or smelling