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Q: What can you do to feel better during precipitated withdrawl?
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Do you take suboxone when you are already throwing up for withdrawl?

yes, i feel better after

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How long does it take for precipitated withdrawals to set?

The precipitated wds are horrible. They will come on within 30 mins. And for me last an hour. Good luck getting through it. It's awful. Just wait before taking a sub until u are super sick. It's worth the wait. The wds will never be worse than precipitated wds. If u go into them take a few mls of sub every thirty minutes til u feel better.

Why do I smile automatically during meditation?

Maybe it helps you relax a little and feel better, so you are automatically in a better mood.

Does withdrawl from hydrocodone make you sick?

no i took the whole bottle of a prescription of hydrocodone 30 mg at once and i feel great. =D

How do you help your pet feel better during a cold?

Medicine and comfort seem to work.

I took a 30mg Roxy 2 hours after taking a 2mg suboxone. Would I feel the Roxy?

Yeah you can just not as much. Its not designed to let you but if u take two you will. If you mix the two you better watch out for that precipitated withdrawal. It will leave you with nowhere to turn. Precipitated withdrawals are way worse than normal withdrawals. Good luck!

What is a physical dependence on a drug?

To be dependant enough on an opioid that you begin to feel physical affects, such as withdrawl and may not be able to function without the drug.

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What would a 12 year old girl do during the civil war?

She would help soldiers feel better.

When was I Feel Better created?

I Feel Better was created in 2008-09.

Why do you feel better after vomiting?

you feel better because you have let it all out