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Q: What do you feel you could have done better during past year?
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What is the cost of forgiveness to the offended?

This could have revengful circumstances depanding on your offence you have done, maybe you should think, what would you do if it was done to you. If it makes you feel any better, ask for forgiveness, they is no harm in trying.. if it is what you must do, do it x

Is it best at knight to take honey from bees?

The bees would be more restful at night than during the day but may still attack you like they would do during the day if they feel threatened by an intrusion so in my opinion i would say it would be better done during the day where you can see better.

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if your stupid and careless, yes. just stop if you feel pain and youll fart it out

How does a person feel when they are a little better?

Relieved could be the word you are looking for

Why do I smile automatically during meditation?

Maybe it helps you relax a little and feel better, so you are automatically in a better mood.

How do you help your pet feel better during a cold?

Medicine and comfort seem to work.

Answer from doctor when I'm sick?

You may need to see a doctor when you are sick. You may need medication or further tests done to feel better.

Where could I read some pet obituaries online?

When our beloved black labrador, Helix, passed away, we asked petsremembered to write an obituary for him. It was very tastefully done and made us feel a bit better.

How can you deal with guilt?

If I have made a mistake or have done something wrong I will feel guilty. My way of dealing with it is to go to the people I have done wrong and apologize to him or her. When I apologize I tell them what I did, how I was involved, and tell them I am sorry. I try my best to look them in the eye and give them a sincere apology. I don't really feel better in what I have done. I feel better knowing that I fessed up to what I did. I have learned that giving a sincere apologize goes a long way with someone you wronged.

Could you be pregnant if you feel sick after intercoarse?

Its always possible, especially if you didnt use contraception. If you do feel sick then get a pregnancy test done.

Can you give me a sentence with climate in it?

The climate in tropical regions is characterized by high temperatures and humidity.