tooth decay?
in tht case,
dont eat sugary foods or drinks,
brush at least twice a day ( or four if you have braces)
normal decay?
some salts
* Do not eat sugary foods/drinks * Clean your teeth two times a day
Calcium is the mineral essential for preventing tooth decay.
1. Drink urine. 2. Urine. 3. Urine. 4. Urine.
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slows down the rate at which enzymes work or completely stops them preventing decay
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So you don't get smelly breath, and possible gum disease or other possible oral infections from tooth decay
brush your teeth after every meal.brush your teeth before and after sleeping,reduce the amount of sugars and chocolates and prefer to eat them before brushing your teeth,consult a dentist on a monthly basis.
There are two ways 174Ir can decay, alpha and positive beta, so there are two different equations. The equation for the alpha decay of 174Ir is: 77174Ir --> 75170Re + 24He representing the alpha particle as a helium nucleus. The equation for the beta+ decay of 174Ir is: 77174Ir --> 76174Os + 10e + ve wher 10e represents a positive beta particle or positron.
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