Triglycerides are a type of lipids made of tree fatty acids attached to a glycerol
via the hepatatic portal system (all absorbed nutrients except triglicerides)or via the lymphatic vessels to the blood vascular system and then to the liver (triglicerides)
Eat less fatty food and exercise. --Wrong you simpleton. Too many carbs/sugars are the cause.
Like cholesterol, both should be below 150. Note: make sure the blood test was done after you had been fasting for 12 hours.
After fasting (12-16 hrs), a triglyceride level of less than 150 md/dL is ideal. Above that range is still considered normal, but anything past 200 md/dL is cause for concern.
In normal person level of HDL should be high because it is HIGH DENSITY LIPID which are good for the body and if LDL( low density lipid) id high means u are hyperlipidemia. So you have to go for anti-hyperlipidimic drugs
Thin people are at less risk for a heart attack. The main cause of a heart attack is when a plug of fat lodges in an artery that nourishes the heart. Thin people have less fat. They usually have less fat (actually ldl cholesterol or triglicerides) than fat people.
According to Doug Kaufmann ( It is best to avoid both Coffee and Tea (except non-fruity herbal). Just read his book The Fungal Link in hopes of curing Toenail Fungus, GURD, and high blood triglicerides. I'm 2 days into his Phase 1 Diet and it's tolerable, but not easy when you're used to a diet with plenty of sugar and carbs
No alcohol, which makes the liver work at a higher rate, and releases triglicerides. Light exercise is better than any diet that cut out fat. Fish oils and flax seed oil seem to raise good cholesterol. Fo rquick results buy a powdered fiber source. I do not know the name of these products,but they are fiber and in the same isle as antacids. Fat binds to the fiber and it all goes though your system.
Tattooing and body piercings because the dye or needles used can carry on HCV infected blood from one customer to another. Needlestick injuries and hemodialysis. Having multiple sex partners.
"Made of" and "Made from" can mean the same thing. "That can is made from aluminum." "That can is made of aluminum." However, they can't be used the same in every situation. You can say: "That house is made of wood and made from workers." But you can't say: "That house is made of workers and made from wood."
It was made it was made on the Internet