Humoral Immunity- acquired immunity in which the role of circulating antibodies is predominant.
Natural Immunity- the resistance of the normal animal to infection
specific immunity
Immunity is a biological term that describes a state of having sufficient biological defenses to avoid infection, disease, or other unwanted biological invasion. Immunity involves both specific and non-specific components
passive and active immunity
The two types of immunity are innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Innate immunity is the body's first line of defense and includes physical barriers like skin, as well as immune cells that respond to general threats. Adaptive immunity is more specific and involves the production of antibodies and immune memory to target particular pathogens.
active acquired immunity and passive acquired immunity
humoral immunity
Antiviral immunity targets viruses by recognizing viral antigens and activating immune responses specific to viral infections. Antibacterial immunity targets bacteria by recognizing bacterial antigens and activating immune responses specific to bacterial infections. The mechanisms of immune cell activation, the types of cells involved, and the specific responses generated differ between antiviral and antibacterial immunity.
Active immunity
The process of immunity is to produce specific antibodies that bind to antigens on the surface of pathogens. =]
Specific immunity follows a non-specific response. The major difference between specific and non-specific is the ability to remember pathogenic antigens. Specific immunity results in the production of memory cells which upon reinfection are used to effectivly remove the pathogen Non-specific cannot do this
The two types of immunity are natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the ability for the body to fight and prevent illness on its own, acquired immunity needs the help of vaccinations or exposure.
The two types of immunity are natural immunity and acquired immunity. Natural immunity is the ability for the body to fight and prevent illness on its own, acquired immunity needs the help of vaccinations or exposure.