Water loss in your body is though respiration (breathing), sweating, and passing urine.
As soon as you have posted this in diet and weight loss, I am guessing this is because you wish to lose weight.
If this is the case, it may be best to have a calorie controlled diet, and have regualr exercise, around an hour a day.
Waste, skin, breathing, it comes out of every part of the surface of your body.
Water is essential for the body's functions, including regulating body temperature, aiding in digestion, and transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells.
The most common way to lose water from the body is through urination. Other ways include sweating, breathing, and bowel movements. It's important to stay hydrated to replace the lost fluids.
Heat is lost from the body through radiation, conduction, and convection. Radiation is the emission of heat waves from the skin, conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact with a colder surface, and convection is the transfer of heat through air or water currents.
Many different ways. About 50% is lost in urine (pee), and the other is about 25% in sweat and 25% in respiration.
Inhilation Cuts or mucous membranes Ingestion of food and water
Iron is lost from the body through blood loss (such as menstruation or injury), shedding of skin and hair, and excretion in feces.
By sweating, becoming oily, and preventing water and blood from escaping the body, acting like a barrier.
No answer
Three ways water can be polluted by are litter, gaseous emissions and oil spills
three ways could be wind oxygen or gravity water
Water is lost from the body through urine (1-2 liters/day), sweat (variable amounts depending on activity and temperature), feces (about 100-200 ml/day), and respiration (about 400 ml/day). Overall, the average adult loses about 2.5-3 liters of water per day through these various means.