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Many different ways. About 50% is lost in urine (pee), and the other is about 25% in sweat and 25% in respiration.

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Q: How can the human body lose water?
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How does the human body lose water?

by sweeting and by peeing

The human body can lose water through what process?

dehydration synthesis

What happens when a human cries do they loose water from the body?

Yes. Whenever the body discharges any fluids from the body they lose water. This includes vomit, diarrhea, blood, tears, sweat, csf.... you get the idea.

How do you lose body water?

you get dehydrated (lose body water) by doing lots of exercise or doing a tiring activity

What is denser water or the human body?

The human body is denser than water. The density of the human body is about 985 kg/m^3, while the density of water is 1000 kg/m^3. This is why your body floats in water.

What is the percent of water is in the human body?


Other than bones what makes up the human body?

Muscle, Skin, Fat, Blood and Cartilage are some big components. And don't forget water, the human body would lose over half it's weight if all the water were removed.

What is 50 percent of a human body?

The average human body is made up of about 60% water, so 50% of a human body would be about 30% water.

Why water is important to us?

Without water humans and mammals will die. Water is a large component of the human body. If we lose too much water our organs begin to fail.

How many teath do you have to lose?

the human body has 32 teath.

Where does water get absorbed in the human body?

Water is primarily absorbed in the small intestine of the human body.

How much weight do lose when in water?

That depends on the person - a live human body is about the same density as water - some people sink, some float - just. In other words, you are about weightless in water.