Just one users experience: Been using seabond for six months following surgery and fitting for new dentures. Seems to increase saliva and directly causes stomache upset especially on an empty stomache. But I am just realizing that the instance of flaring of a tendon condition is adversely affected by seabond. So much so that I have experienced severe pain that travels throughout the entire right leg. I have been off the seabond for two days and the weakness is still evident but the pain is all but gone. This condition was so severe that I was unable to sit or lie down without pain. It was so puzzling because the pain was most severe in the tendon area on the outer side of the knee but would travel from the hip to the bottom of the foot. I am Looking for anyone with a similar experience...?
In the trunk behind the trunk liner on the right side ( passenger side ) There is an access hole in the trunk liner
In front of the passenger side front tire. Remove the fender liner to access.In front of the passenger side front tire. Remove the fender liner to access.
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what are the side affects to this product?
the side affects are changes in personality,loss of inhibition and a dry mouth
Use adhesive spray on the back side of it.
There are no known side affects of ZyVestra.
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