it is illegal to carry MDMA, or otherwise known as 'E'.. In The unitied states and Canada, to carry more than one pill can be considered, intent to distribute. and you can than be charged with Manslaughter if you are charged with intent to sell, or caught selling MDMA. Not a good idea to smuggle MDMA, or traffic it. try your best to not carry it on you, or short distances.
is it not agaisnt the law to be high on drugs. It's the making and selling that's agaist the law.
It is against the law in the United States to be under the influence of any substance you do not have a prescription for. Controlled Substance Act.
It was very difficult to purchase MDMA in the 1930's. Although MDMA (Ecstasy) was first synthesized in 1912 it was not manufactured in any amounts until the late 1970's.
no, its safe
No. If you need an antibiotic, see a doctor and get a prescription.
The three most common ways people die after taking MDMA are: Heatstroke, ingesting too much fluid, and heart failure. Source:
The risk of suicide on MDMA (note that ecstasy may contain MDMA and/or other substances) alone seems to be quite low, although taking it with other substances could certainly increase that risk. In general, extremely negative reactions to MDMA are very uncommon, certainly much more so than with substances such as LSD.
3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA)
The human body cannot produce mdma. however mdma releases seratonin which is why you experience the "high" and your body can produce too much seratonin. I hope my answer helped. If not do some research about seratonin and see what you can find out.
In freebase form, MDMA can be vaporized easily. it has a very low boiling point; about 100-110 degrees celsius (tentative). Users report smoking MDMA salts to be virtually ineffective but some say it has some activity. MDMA salts are very common since freebase MDMA cannot be pressed into pills. If you attempt smoking MDMA be wary. smoking even measured amounts of well-identified substances is much more dangerous than oral ingestion because it will hit harder and reach peak effect substantially quicker. The effect is said to be more speedy when smoked with much less of the empathetic qualities of orally ingested mdma; much like when taken intranasally (snorted).
The chemical formula of MDMA is C11H15O2.
Given the random and varying effects of MDMA, there isn't a lot you should worry about if taking something else - the fact that you were silly enough to take MDMA means you probably aren't really worried about what happens anyway (in this case, there would be very little if any interaction between the two drugs).
No, Polyethylene Glycol is not typically found in MDMA. MDMA usually consists of the active ingredient MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) along with cutting agents or adulterants, but Polyethylene Glycol is not commonly used in the production of MDMA.