NO! Are there any medical issues with women wearing boxers?
Perhaps you are thinking of ob-gyn, an abbreviation of the medical fields of obstetrics (the medical issues in giving birth) and gynecology (the medical issues peculiar to women), often practised by the same doctor.
Urgent care centers are best for young people who do not have many medical issues.
Lawsuit for medical malpractice - at your expense.
a child that has medical issues
It can be cure CANCER and DIEBETES.
It depends on what you mean by "diagnose medical issues". If you mean medical diagnosis per se, not unless they are a doctor. If you mean whether questions that relate to medical application vs technical unemployment requirements that has nothing to do with treatment, cause of medical problem (unless, of course it may relate to working conditions), etc. then yes they need to deal with those issues.
moral issues that occurs as a result of mordern medical technology are covered under what specic discipline
Yes I think ice chewing is addicting!! I have been doing it for 6 months..I recently went to the dentist and he said it was because I'm aniemic..Which is true I have Crohns Disease.
medical ethics