Dream House For Medically Fragile Children was created in 2001.
Only medically regarding herself and the child.
Answer: Not medically as long as it's not viable. After that it has rights as you and me. Then people have their own opinions based on their feelings.Answer: Since some believe life starts at conception, they do, in fact, consider a fetus an "unborn child", regardless of what a fetus is considered medically.
it doesnt help them medically it helps them emotionally.
Possibly "Fragile"
I think it depends on exactly how fragile, clumsy, or weak that child is.
Physical complaints that cannot be explained medically are characteristics of somatic symptom disorder, a condition where individuals experience distressing physical symptoms that have no clear medical cause. This can lead to excessive worry and preoccupation with their symptoms, impacting daily functioning. Treatment typically involves a combination of therapy and medication.
The correct spelling for surgeries is "surgeries." For medically, the correct spelling is "medically."
The comparative form of "fragile" is "more fragile."
If a child is diagnosed as bipolar it is believed that a combination of the correct medication, along with psychosocial therapy including the child and the family can help to alleviate the symptoms.
The doctor is the source that will provide the most accurate dosing information for a 5 year old child. This is because they are medically trained to do this.