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Q: What are the intoxication effects for exstacy?
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How frequently does drug intoxication impact delirium?

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What are the ill effects of liquor?

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What are the effects of consuming sweet wine that can lead to intoxication"?

Consuming sweet wine can lead to intoxication due to its high sugar content, which can increase the rate at which alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream. This can result in impaired judgment, coordination, and cognitive function, as well as other typical effects of alcohol intoxication such as slurred speech and impaired motor skills.

What negative effects do pollutants from vehicles cause in cities?

cancer, asma, carbon dioxide intoxication.

How do you get rid of exstacy?

eat it, flush it, feed it to your dog.

What are the effects of intoxication on the human body?

Intoxication can impair cognitive functions such as judgment, coordination, and decision-making. It can also affect physical abilities, leading to slurred speech, blurred vision, and slowed reflexes. Excessive alcohol consumption, for example, can result in alcohol poisoning, dehydration, and damage to organs such as the liver.

Is exstacy a stimullant?

Yes it is.

How do you know what girls like when you are at a party with them?

This thing called exstacy will tell you exactly what

What are the effects on people if uranium enters the human body?

After inhalation: lung cancers. After ingestion of soluble compounds: intoxication, kidney illness.

What are four drugs that are commonly identified as being club drug?

exstacy Ketimine GHB LSD

Do ecstacy show in your system the first day you take?

exstacy stays in your system for 3 days

When does intoxication begin?

intoxication begins at the first sip of alcohol