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After inhalation: lung cancers.

After ingestion of soluble compounds: intoxication, kidney illness.

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Q: What are the effects on people if uranium enters the human body?
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What does uranium do to your body?

Uranium is harmful to human beings because it is radioactive. Radioactivity can cause sickness leading to death and many forms of cancer.

Are human's preserving uranium?


What are The effects of natural disaster to human and earth?

they kill people

How do you prepare Uranium for human consumption?

Uranium is a highly radioactive element and is neither edible nor potable.

How does air enters the body?

Air enters the body when you inhale (Breathe in) air enters through the mouth and into the lungs. and then exhale (Breathe out) carbon dioxide (CO2)

Is uranium found in humans?

The normal human body contain uranium but only in traces.These traces of U are not dangerous.

Is uranium needed by humans Why or Why not?

Uranium is not needed by humans for any biological function. In fact, exposure to uranium can be harmful to human health, as it is radioactive and can cause serious health effects if not properly handled and managed.

What are the effects of human in space?

People who don't have a helmet on will die because there's no trees= NO Oxygen.

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Archaeologists study past human life through the detection and analysis of the physical effects of human activities.

Can uranium cause death?

Uranium is both radioactive and a toxic metal to humans. Exposure to uranium can disrupt normal function of most systems in the body. Uranium itself has not been shown to be a direct cause in any human deaths, but exposure to its ions has.

What happens if pollution enters the human body?

Pollutants entering the human body can lead to a variety of health issues, such as respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. The toxins in pollutants can disrupt normal bodily functions and potentially cause long-term damage to organs and tissues. It is important to minimize exposure to pollution to protect overall health.