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improper heath
Improper care of teeth can lead the worst mouth disease (GENGAVITIS
fracture bed making
the cause of improper food handling may make you sick or have an illness. the affect of improper handling may lead you to the hospital or worse, death.
Improper garbage disposal can cause harmful effects on animal life. Improper garbage disposal can also cause air pollution and pollution of soil.
What are you making in the bed?? Lol..
1.) Obisity 2.) Sickness 3.) Death
Rather than bed making meaning to build a bed using carpentry tools and lengths of wood, bed making is commonly understood to be when the sheets and blankets are smoothed out ready for sleeping in when night (and bedtime) arrives.
Actually there are no general tips on how one can learn to love bed making. Maybe it would be a good idea to talk to the partner and decide to split making bed.