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Q: What are the effects of eating glue?
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If glue is purple what flavour is it?

Glue has no flavor. It is not for eating.

What effects does casein glue have on hardwoods?

It's not the best thing to glue them with.

Can you eat glue?

yes u can eat glue but it is not ok to do it its not 4 eating

When a goat has a tin can what is it trying to get?

the glue on the tin can taste sweet to the goat so it is eating the glue off the can

What Effects does pva glue have on the environment?

it makes it sticky

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what are the effects of eating more than you need?

Is glue a material that effects the environment?

Yes, glue can impact the environment if not disposed of properly. Glue may contain harmful chemicals that can leach into the soil and water, affecting ecosystems. It is important to use and dispose of glue in a responsible manner to minimize its environmental impact.

Is eating glue stick harmful?

yes it is but the chemicals will make it is harmful

How is super glue used to get high?

Super glue is not intended to be used to get high. Inhaling the fumes of super glue can lead to a range of harmful effects, including dizziness, headaches, and respiratory issues. It is important to use super glue in a well-ventilated area and follow safety guidelines to avoid any negative health effects.

What are side effects of eating ice regularly?

None. There are no side effects to eating ice cream on a regular basis.

What do you get when you eat glue Lip sticks explain joke?

Eating glue can cause your lips to stick together. The punchline is a play on the word lipstick.

Is glue a stimulant drug?

Glue can be both an hallucinogen and a stimulant. While it is not a drug, it does have some drug like effects that are physically and psychologically dangerous.