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There are tremendous amounts of different drugs -- some are good for the body, such as drugs to treat blood pressure or Diabetes; some are bad for the body, such as illegal drugs -- they're illegal because they kill people! -- and some are so-so, such as caffeine and nicotine, which can be very harmful but most people do use them.

different drugs have different effects. most get you high. stimulants like cocaine and caffeine(its not illegal!) speed up your heart rate, breathing rate, bloodpressure goes up, and things like that. hallucinigens make you see things that arent really there. methamphetamine makes you sweat, it makes your pupils look ragged and things li,e that.

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Q: What are the effects of drugs on the human body?
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what are the good effects of drugs

How does illegal drugs effect your human body?

There are so many different types of illegal drugs and so many different effects that no one person could answer the question as stated.

What effects does drugs have on your body?

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a negitive one

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Pharmacists need knowledge of chemistry to understand the composition of drugs, biology to comprehend how drugs interact with the human body, and pharmacology to understand how drugs work and their effects on the body. Additionally, they need to have knowledge of anatomy and physiology to understand how drugs may affect different systems in the body.

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How do drugs produce their effects on human behavior?

Drugs produce their effects on human behavior by interacting with the central nervous system. They can alter neurotransmitter levels, affect brain activity, and influence the brain's reward system, leading to changes in mood, behavior, and perception. These effects can vary depending on the type of drug and its mechanism of action.

What are the effects of drugs on the human body and sport performance?

Some enhance performance, and some detract. Your question needs to be more specific.

What is the effect of drugs in human?

The effects of drugs are to alter, mimic, change, interfere, kill, stop, speed, accelerate, decelerate, etc. aspects of the both the physical/physiological body or produce central nervous system effects. On a general level, prescribed drugs (taken as directed) can relieve symptoms of viruses, bacterial illness, disease and pain. There are always side effects, and some people notice them more than others. Misuse of drugs often is due to these other side effects--mood changing, euphoria and so on. At this level, drugs can affect human behavior, lifestyle and relationships and may be addicting.

Do All drugs contain chemicals?

Yes, all drugs contain chemicals. Drugs are defined as substances that have physiological effects when introduced into the body, and these effects are typically due to the chemicals within the drug interacting with the body's biological systems.

Which part of the body do drugs mostly effect?

The brain it effects mostly.

What effects do smoking and taking drugs have on a human body?

Smoking has many harmful effects on the human body. Cigarette smoke contains many toxic substances. Carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood, tar (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) causes cancer, nicotine is an addictive drug and a vaso-constrictor which reduces blood circulation and contributes to heart disease, particulates coat the lungs and contribute to emphysema, etc. As for the effects of taking drugs, that depends upon which drugs you are taking, however all drugs have side effects, and most recreational drugs are extremely dangerous. Common side effects include addiction, insanity and death. Some drugs do have legitimate medical uses, but they should never be used for fun. There are much better ways to have fun. Try playing a video game.