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Usually UTI or urinary Tract Infections cause burning sensation when urinating or pain when urinating, itchiness, foul smelling odor when urinating and chill and Fever which are classic symptoms of infection in the body.

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Q: What are the effects of an UTI?
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Related questions

Can untreated UTI cause joint pain?

Aside from all of the really dangerous effects of leaving a UTI untreated it can also cause joint pain.

Can a water infection make you grumpy?

Yes. UTI and bladder infections can disrupt hormone production causing a variety of effects.

Can yaz cause uti's and damage your kidneys?

No, Yaz and similar oral contraceptives do not damage the kidneys or cause UTI's. If you already have kidneys disease clearance of the drug can be affected and you may experience increased side effects other than worsneing kidney function or it may be less effective. It does have oter side effects.

Can you get UTI from food?

No, you can't get UTI from food.

Can you get a uti from kissing someone?

no you can not get the uti from kissing anyone

Can you be pregnant if you have a uti?

yes you can have a uti during pregnancy

Is it 'an UTI' or 'a UTI'?

Answer"An UTI". "A UTI" is grammatically incorrect.AnswerAlthough this would normally be the case, because the U makes a 'yuh' sound, 'an' would actually be used rather than 'a'.

Is UTI a sign of miscarriage?

No it is not. A UTI is not in the uterus but in the urethra. A untreated UTI can however in worst case cause a miscarriage.

What does Macrobid clear up?

It's used mainly for UTI's (bladder infections). It has a lot of pretty awful side effects that you don't get with other antibiotics though.

When was Sunday Uti born?

Sunday Uti was born in 1962.

What is UTI Holdings's population?

UTI Holdings's population is 2,700.

When was UTI Holdings created?

UTI Holdings was created in 1990.