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According to the old wives' tales, common cravings for a boy include salty and sour foods such as pickles. It is also said that if you crave meat, you are carrying a boy.

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Q: What are the common cravings for a boy?
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Is it normal for a women to cravings once she is on her period?

It's not exactly normal, but certainly it's common for women to experience cravings during menstruation. Food cravings are often a result of the body needing something it is lacking, during menstruation the body may need larger amounts of certain nutrients or more energy. Common cravings include chocolate, which can imply a need for more magnesium in your diet, and crabs which are a common craving if you need more energy in general.

What are the 5 most common cravings?

Sex Nicotine Drugs Sleep Food/Hunger

When you are on your period is it common to have cravings?

yes its perfectly normal i tend to crave sweet and salty

What is common cravings?

Food craving & food adversions are the common cravings. There is too many to list here. But basically when you're pregnant, anything goes! Food you used to hate you may now crave or food you once loved may make you feel sick.

What are some strange cravings that expecting mothers get?

I've heard that the most common is chocolate, but pregnancy cravings can be just about anything. A relative craved for fish in one of her pregnancies, so that just goes to show how wacky they can be!

Can you still have cravings if you don't have a period anymore?

Yes, cravings are not really controlled by menstruation. You can get cravings at any time.

When was Healthy Cravings created?

Healthy Cravings was created in 2010.

What is the Grammar of boy?

boy is a common noun

What is the duration of Healthy Cravings?

The duration of Healthy Cravings is 1800.0 seconds.

What are sings of pregnancy?

The most common sign of pregnancy is missing you period. There are others such as weight gain, heartburn, increased appetite, and cravings.

Are tomato cravings linked to pregnancy?

Cravings are linked to pregnancy not necessarily tomato.

What vitamin deficiency causes ice cravings?

Ice cravings are normal dont worry about it