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boron helps makes magnets but plants need boron for proper health and we need plants.

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Q: What are the benefits of boron to human life?
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Is boron the same as boron citrate?

No, boron and boron citrate are not the same. Boron is a chemical element, while boron citrate is a compound formed by combining boron with citric acid. Boron citrate is often used as a dietary supplement for its potential health benefits.

What does boron do in the human body?

Boron is thought to play a role in calcium and magnesium metabolism, supporting bone health and joint function. It may also have anti-inflammatory effects and help with hormone balance. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of its functions in the human body.

Is boron in the human body?

No, or almost No: boron in human body is even less than 0.0001% (100 Kg human body contains less than 0.08 grams of boron). The simple substance of Boron is hazardous and poisonous to human body. Boron is an essential plant nutrient, although higher soil concentrations of boron may also be toxic to plants. As an ultra-trace element, boron is necessary for the optimal health of rats and presumably other mammals, though its physiological role in animals is poorly understood. In conclusion, boron is basically a plant micro-nutrient, as far as we know boron is damaging to humans.

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"reduce use of money increase human quality of life"

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corresponding to ice

What is the bad effect of boron in your body?

Boron affect the way the human body handles other minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. Boron doses of 5-6g Boron in infants or 15-20g in adults causes acute death in humans

Do the benefits of human cloning outweigh the coast of human dignity?

The debate over human cloning involves complex ethical considerations. While there may be potential medical benefits, such as organ transplant opportunities and disease research, the issue of violating human dignity by treating individuals as commodities cannot be ignored. Ultimately, the balance between benefits and ethical concerns should be carefully considered in any discussion on human cloning.

What are disadvantages of boron?

Some disadvantages of boron include its toxicity when ingested in large amounts, potential environmental hazards, and its limited availability in nature as a mineral. Additionally, boron compounds can have negative effects on human health and the environment if not handled properly.

What is the percent of boron in human body?

Boron is present in very small amounts in the human body, typically less than 0.01%. It is involved in various physiological processes, such as bone health and metabolism, but is not considered an essential element for humans.

Is boron harmful to humans?

Boron is necessary for human health in small amounts, but high levels of boron exposure can be harmful. Ingesting large amounts of boron can cause symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. Chronic high-level exposure to boron can lead to more serious health issues.

Is there boron in milk?

Yes, milk contains trace amounts of boron, which is an essential micronutrient for human health. However, the concentration of boron in milk is relatively low compared to other foods like fruits, nuts, and vegetables.

Is boron is shiny?

Pure boron (a metalloid) is not found in nature. Boron will be combined with something else. Pure boron could be shiny, but will usually be a brown powder when combined with carbon.