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Boron affect the way the human body handles other minerals such as magnesium and phosphorus. Boron doses of 5-6g Boron in infants or 15-20g in adults causes acute death in humans

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Q: What is the bad effect of boron in your body?
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How do you get boron into your body?

You can get boron into your body by consuming foods rich in boron such as nuts, fruits, vegetables, and legumes. It is also found in certain types of mineral water. Boron supplements are another way to increase your intake if needed.

What are the bad effect of barbiturates in your body?

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Is boron in the human body?

No, or almost No: boron in human body is even less than 0.0001% (100 Kg human body contains less than 0.08 grams of boron). The simple substance of Boron is hazardous and poisonous to human body. Boron is an essential plant nutrient, although higher soil concentrations of boron may also be toxic to plants. As an ultra-trace element, boron is necessary for the optimal health of rats and presumably other mammals, though its physiological role in animals is poorly understood. In conclusion, boron is basically a plant micro-nutrient, as far as we know boron is damaging to humans.

What does boron do in the human body?

Boron is thought to play a role in calcium and magnesium metabolism, supporting bone health and joint function. It may also have anti-inflammatory effects and help with hormone balance. However, more research is needed to fully understand the extent of its functions in the human body.

What are 3 affects on your body?

well the effect on your body for drugs are,drousiness, doing bad things,and vomiting

Does tattoos effect your body?

All body modifications affect your body because they are not natural. When they heal they take up some of the immune systems recourses and can cause infections if they are not dealt with properly. Keep the tattoo healthy and you shouldn't have a bad effect on your body.

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Haha i dont now

Where can the element boron be found in your body?

Boron is found in small amounts in the body, primarily in bones and tooth enamel. It plays a role in bone health and may also be involved in hormone regulation and brain function. However, boron is not considered an essential nutrient for humans.