

Best Answer

vision testing

heart test

measuring the weight

dental exam

pulse rate

mental exam

measuring of height

im in 4th year highschool im just sharing the right answer

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Q: What are the 7 major of health examination given to student to determine the health status of an individuals?
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What are the different health examination given to every student before she enter school?

what are the different health examinations given to a every student before he enters school

7 major health examination of student health appraisal?

Gulaman ni arman,mura na marumi pa!

What are the 7 major health examination that appraise a students health?

The 7 major health exams for student health appraisal are medical, weight, dental, vision, hearing, observation, and pulse rate. All of these major exams combined can make sure students are healthy and can be used to determine early on if health issues will affect their future development in school.

What is impoftant of health examination?

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What are the components of health appraisal and their definition?

1.physical health absence of disease === === 1.teachers observation 2.screening test examination 4.physical examination 5.medical examination

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Give the different health examination

Define what is health appraisal?

it is a procedure to determine the health statue of the student..... it is through the use of teachers observation,screening test,health histories,medical and dental inspection and phycological test -------------->>>>>>> iszhpadilla

Does an applicant have to have a low income to qualify for discount health insurance?

"Discount health insurance is intended for individuals with a lower income. However, there are ways to get the cheaper insurance, especially if you are a student."

What is an autopsy?

An autopsy is a medical examination of a body after death to determine the cause of death and gather information about any diseases or injuries present. It involves a thorough examination of the organs and tissues by a trained pathologist to provide insights into the individual's health and the circumstances surrounding their death. Autopsies can help provide closure for families, aid in medical research, and contribute to public health surveillance.

What is the definition of 'health examination'?

A health examination, also known as a general medical examination, is, generally, an annual check-up preformed by a general practitioner. It usually involves a physical examination, a medical history, as well as some type of blood tests or injections.

What insurance companies offer health insurance for individuals?

Companies that offer health insurance for individuals depend on the country you are in. If you are in Canada you can get coverage from Blue Shield or if you're a college student from Green Shield. If you are in America you can get coverage from Medicaid.