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what are the different health examinations given to a every student before he enters school

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Q: What are the different health examination given to every student before she enter school?
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What are the different health examination given to every student before he enters school?

Children are given health exams before entering school so that they don't bring sickness to others. They are given vaccines, checked for contagious diseases, and more.

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Gulaman ni arman,mura na marumi pa!

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teAchEr's observationang dAmI nOh . . . . . . . . .. . . .wlA nA maisip eh>>>>

What are the different health examinations given to students before they enter school?

1. Teachers' observation. 2. Screening test. 3. Dental examination. 4. Physical examination. 5. Medical examination.It really Depends on what school System they go to so I think you should contact you local school system.

What is covered under student health insurance?

The basic point of student health insurance is so that the student has any accidents while he/or she is attending school.These may vary as in different packages, as for coverages and prices.The more money you invest the safer your student will be.

What is the definition of 'health examination'?

A health examination, also known as a general medical examination, is, generally, an annual check-up preformed by a general practitioner. It usually involves a physical examination, a medical history, as well as some type of blood tests or injections.

Different health examination given to a student before going to school?

Ideally, every school child should have a complete physical examination and health evaluation every one to two years from his or her personal physician or source of ongoing medical care. Several things should be accomplished during this examination:(1) interval health history; (2) head-to-toe health appraisal; (3) assessment of growth, development, and school progress; (4) mental health evaluation of the child and family; (5) assessment of immunization status; (6) health education and counseling for both parent and child; (7) evaluation for participation in athletics; (8) recommendations about the child's health needs.Physicians may not be available for comprehensive health supervision in some rural and urban areas. Therefore, the Committee makes the following recommendations for health examinations required by schools.1. Schools should require a complete physical examination for all children at least every three years.2. Ideally, this physical examination should be done by the child's pediatrician or primary care physician. A school nurse, with physician backup, if trained in physical assessment skills, can do an assessment if no physician is available to conduct the examinations.