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Q: What are some reasons why popular culture may cause problems?
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This could cause folk culture to diffuse by the amounts of popular culture in demand

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one of the many reasons ....Exercising hard not drinking enough water can cause it high

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There are many reasons that an individual can take calcium supplements. The reason may be to avoid a calcium deficiency, as that may cause a lot of health problems.

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There are many reasons for accident injuries. The main reason and leading cause for accident injuries would be because of car crashes and drinking and smoking problems.

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they cause no problems

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Migration can cause problems for both the immigrants and the people who are already living in the area. These problems can include clashes of culture, lack of jobs, difficulty in understanding technology for immigrants, language barriers, and ethical differences.

What are the factors that cause breakdown in communication?

A list of factors that would cause communication breakdown in an organization include poor culture and uncertain reporting relationships. Other factors are technology problems and indecisive leadership.

Why is dental hygiene so very important?

Dental Hygiene is important for many different reasons. If you don't take care of your teeth, when you get older they can cause many problems. They can rot and fall out, chip, cause infections where you would need a root canal and many more problems.

What are the Factors that cause communication breakdown in organization.?

A list of factors that would cause communication breakdown in an organization include poor culture and uncertain reporting relationships. Other factors are technology problems and indecisive leadership.

Why would cause a brake drum to lock up and not release?

The piston may be sticking for a variety of reasons. If you are inexperienced with brake problems, take it to a shop now.

Is the whole concept of religion a good idea or the cause of problems?

It is a good idea. Because, Contrary to popular belief, religion is the root of civilization.

What problems do poor children cause for Ireland?

They cause the same problems American kids. Cause