There are many reasons for accident injuries. The main reason and leading cause for accident injuries would be because of car crashes and drinking and smoking problems.
unintentional injuries
Distracted driving is the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents.
traffic accident
Distracted driving is the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents.
Distracted driving is the leading cause of motor vehicle accidents.
unintentional injuries
The top 3 leading causes of death among teenagers in the USA ages 15 to 19 include:Unintentional injuryHomocideSuicideUnder the unintentional injury category are numerous types of injuries as sub-categories. The highest ranked sub-category under unintentional injuries is motor vehicle accidents.Review the website in the related link to see all categories.
misjudge, misunderstanding, misuses, not concentrating.
The leading cause of PWC accidents is striking an object.
The leading cause of death for teens is accidents (unintentional injuries). Next is homicide, suicide, cancer, and heart disease.
A victim is someone that has suffered from an accident. Whether the injuries were serious or minor, the person that did not cause the accident is often entitled to damages and funds for pain and suffering.