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* No need for blood donors

* Can re-breed an endangered species

* Theoretically able to bring a person/animal back to life

* Cancer, Diabetes, and other genetically related diseases would be cured

* Organs could be repopulated


* Earth would become extremely overpopulated

* There would be little diversity within the human race

* If everyone developed immunity to the same diseases, one new virus would cause unimaginable havoc

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Q: What are good things and bad things about cloning?
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What are good and bad things about human cloning?

The good thing is that you could use your clone for things you cant make time for. the bad thing is that someone might find out and you could get arrested.

Human cloning good or bad?


What are some bad things about animal cloning?

Some bad things about animal cloning is that it messes with nature and the life cycle. It also can harm the original organism and create mutants.

Is cloning good or bad and why?

Its bad because it's unnatural. But so are polio vaccines! Cloning parts for people to save their lives could be a good thing!

What are the bad things about cloning?

It is believed that it will give the clone a shorter life span

Is human cloning good or bad and why?

Its bad because it's unnatural. But so are polio vaccines! Cloning parts for people to save their lives could be a good thing!

Is cloning good thing or bad thing?

cloning is a very bad thing. in most cloning abilities one of the side effects is that the clone turns bad, half the world is after you and not to mention the clones will be verypowerful.To be very honest, I am against it, but if it is going to help world poverty, by for instance cloning really good food sources, or helping eradicate terrible diseases, then I am all for it

Advantages and disadvantages of cell fusion cloning?

Advantages: It can be good Disadvantages: It can also be bad

What are the good christian values on cloning?

A good Christians view on cloning is no. No cloning.

Why was the book 'Jurassic Park' banned?

it is banned because it talks of cloning and that is bad! it is banned because it talks of cloning and that is bad!

If good people always do good things and bad people always do bad things why does religion make good people do bad things?

Seriously, religion doesn't make people do bad things.

Could things go wrong in the cloning process?

What is wrong with cloning?