Its bad because it's unnatural.
But so are polio vaccines! Cloning parts for people to save their lives could be a good thing!
The good thing is that you could use your clone for things you cant make time for. the bad thing is that someone might find out and you could get arrested.
Its bad because it's unnatural. But so are polio vaccines! Cloning parts for people to save their lives could be a good thing!
cloning is a very bad thing. in most cloning abilities one of the side effects is that the clone turns bad, half the world is after you and not to mention the clones will be verypowerful.To be very honest, I am against it, but if it is going to help world poverty, by for instance cloning really good food sources, or helping eradicate terrible diseases, then I am all for it
thee down falls of cloning are the dark parts of a clone....a clone of a dog or human may be bad...misfitted...or mis-shaped
Cloning humans.
Human cloning is not legal in the UK. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 prohibits the cloning of humans for reproductive purposes. Research involving human cloning is also tightly regulated in the UK.
There is no evidence of successful human cloning in the world.
Cloning can be seen as both bad and good. On the negative side, it raises ethical concerns related to playing "God," potential misuse for unethical purposes like human cloning, and lack of genetic diversity. On the positive side, it has the potential to advance medical research, increase agricultural productivity, and help in preserving endangered species.
Advantages: It can be good Disadvantages: It can also be bad
It has Never worked. For those people who think cloning a human being is a bad idea, the failure to clone a human being is great. For those who want to clone humans, it has been a 100% failure so far. Cloning a human being has never worked in the past. Considering that cloning animals often results in "Mistakes" that have to be disposed of; it is probable that any attempts to clone a Human Being will result in a Lot of Mistakes that have to be done away with.
A good Christians view on cloning is no. No cloning.