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Sleep, stress, eating and genetics.

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Q: What are four important influences on your health?
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As discussed, the four most important influences of Western art history are:

What are the influences on your health?

There are genetic influences, environmental influences, behavioral influences, and events unforeseen. The biggest influence on your health is your attitude. If you make choices that maximize good influences and minimizes the negative influences, the better odds will be that you will stay healthy.

Name the four influences on health status state the relative proportion of each influence and describe the control an individual has over each influence.?

Four influences on health status are lifestyle, environment, age, and attitude. A person has no control over age, but they do have control over their attitude and lifestyle. Environment is something that some people have control over, and some people do not.

How is behavior different from other influences on your health?

the behavior is different from other influences on your health becuz it's tell's u if your health or not .it tells what u eat.

What are negative influences on community health?

A lack of health resources

What are influences of good health?

You live Longer

What influences on health can be changed?

Your attitude can be changed.

Who were the most important influences when Jimmy Carter was young?

who was the most important influences of jimmy carter when he was young.

What is a negative influences on community health?

A lack of health resources becomes a negative influence on community health.

Name the four influences on health status state the relative proportion of each influence and describe how much control an individual has over each influence?

The four influences on health status are genetics (30%), environment (20%), healthcare access and quality (15%), and lifestyle behaviors (35%). An individual has less control over genetics, moderate control over environment and healthcare access/quality, and significant control over lifestyle behaviors through choices such as diet, exercise, and substance use.

What skill are you using when you try to recognize the effects of culture media and friends on your health habits?

You are analyzing influences when you attempt to recognize the effects of culture, media, and friends on your health habits.

What influences your nutrition?

Metabolism, activity levels, Allergies, health--