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Cohort, case control, and cross sectional

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Q: What are different research designs which help to establish cause and effect relationship in epidemiological studies?
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The only research method that can establish a cause-and-effect relationship is?

An experiment

What research method can best establish a cause and effect relationship?

An experimental research method can best establish a cause and effect relationship. By manipulating an independent variable and observing its effect on a dependent variable while controlling for other variables, researchers can determine a causal relationship between the variables. Random assignment of participants to different conditions helps minimize bias and increase internal validity.

What type of research studies population and is often used to search for correlation between dietary habits and disease incidence?

Epidemiological Study.

In nutrition research observations of the quantities and types of foods eaten by groups of people and the health status of those groups are known as?

epidemiological studies.

What type of research studies populations and is often used to search for correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence?

Epidemiological research studies populations and is frequently used to investigate correlations between dietary habits and disease incidence. This type of research often involves analyzing data from large groups of people to identify patterns and associations between various factors such as diet and disease risk.

Which research methods determine causality?

Experimental research methods, such as randomized controlled trials, are typically used to determine causality. These methods involve manipulating an independent variable and observing its effect on a dependent variable in a controlled environment. By randomly assigning participants to different conditions, researchers can establish a cause-and-effect relationship between variables.

A Research method that can establish a causal link is?

An experimental research method can establish a causal link between variables by manipulating and controlling one variable (independent variable) while measuring its effect on another variable (dependent variable) in a controlled setting. Random assignment of participants to different conditions helps to minimize bias and establish causation.

Which research method is used to set up a cause-effect relationship between two or more variables?

Experimental research method is often used to establish a cause-effect relationship between variables. This method involves manipulating one variable (independent variable) to observe the effect it has on another variable (dependent variable), while controlling for other potential influencing factors. Random assignment to different groups and proper control are key aspects of experimental research.

Which research method can make predictions without stating cause?

Correlational research can make predictions without stating cause. This method involves examining the relationship between two or more variables to determine if they are associated with each other, but does not establish causation.

What advantage does the experimental method have over non-experimental methods of research?

The experimental method allows researchers to establish cause-and-effect relationships by manipulating variables and controlling for confounding factors. This method provides more control over the research setting, increasing internal validity compared to non-experimental methods.

Which type of research method is used to show cause and effect that one variable causes change in another variable?

The experimental research method is typically used to show cause and effect between variables, where one variable is manipulated to observe the effect on another variable. This method involves randomly assigning participants to different conditions and controlling for extraneous variables to establish a causal relationship.

What is a weakness of Epidemiological studies?

A epidemiological research method is a study of the frequency and distribution of a certain disorder within a certain population. For example a epidemiological research method could include how the AIDS virus affects people differently concerning gender and race. This method of research is also very effective in providing occurrence variables in concurrence with social and cultural factors concerning each group as a method of explanation to why certain people are more prone to certain disease or disorders. This research method primarily focuses on the prevalence of a disease or disorder, the incidence concerning how many new cases occurred within a year and the risk factors that are associated with the disease or disorder. This knowledge of course provides to be very important information to public and to health care facilities to properly orchestrate their facilities to best treat people most effectively. It also provides much more detailed information concerning individuals and what risk factors they need to be aware of and what factors to pay more attention to as being prone to certain diseases over others. The results of a epidemiological research study can be used to more thorough research methods.