Controllable risk factors are those that can be managed and lessened or reduced. Uncontrollable risk factors are like Acts of God.
controllable risk factors
Food washing
controllable risk factors
Owners, Employees, Customers and Managers.
1.Controllable factor or often called as "Marketing Mix".Now a days it remember as "4P's" It includes: Product,Price,Place and Promotion. 2. Uncontrollable factors are often called as "Environmental Factors" it includes: Political factors, Economical Factors, Social Factors, Technological Factors, Competitive forces factors Regulatory forces factor
for an organization economic factors mean factors which affect the organisation policy decision.some factors are controllable & some are uncontrollable
Controllable factors are those that can be managed or influenced by individuals or organizations, such as actions, decisions, or behaviors. Uncontrollable factors, on the other hand, are outside of one's control, such as external market conditions, natural disasters, or government regulations.
controllable risk factorsdiet and body weightdaily levels of physical activitylevel of sun exposuresmoking and alcohol abuseuncontrollable risk factorsagegenderethnicityheredity
payroll is not controllable cost.
In a marketing environment, controllable factors are variables that a company can change to improve its performance, while uncontrollable factors are those that a company has no control over: Controllable factors These factors can be modified to improve a company's performance and profitability. Examples include: Product design Branding Packaging Pricing Advertising Distribution policies FOR MORE INFORMATION GO THROUGH OUR WEBSITE : SPEAKSAGA WE ARE PROVIDING INTERNSHIP FOR FRESHERS AND STUDENTS WE ARE PROVIDING SKILLS FOR GROWTH THROUGH A INTERNSHIP NO NEED TO PAY ANY AMOUNT FOR INTERNSHIP
I have several sentences for you.That horse is not controllable.The scientific variable is controllable in the laboratory.I want a controllable temper!