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Q: What Four ways poisons can enter the body?
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What four ways can enter the body and what should you do if someone is poisoned and why?

The four ways that poisons can enter the body are by absorption, inhalation, injection(bleed), and ingestion. If someone is poisoned, then I guess you should call 911 for an ambulance because you are dying from poison and you don't know how to cure it.

What are some common ways poisons can enter the body?

1. By being stung or bitten by an insect 2. By being inhaled 3. By being swallowed

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absorption, injection, ingestion and breathing

What are the four ways radioactive contamination can enter the body?

through food is one of them i know that for sure thanks and have a nice dayy , hope this helped you . GOOD LUCC !

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It depends if their is a window in the hall, because you can exit or enter the hall through a window, and you can only enter two ways, and exit two ways, making for a combined total of four ways to enter and exit the hall. its either that or there is 2 enterances and no exits

What are four ways poison can enter your system?

ingestion, inhalation, cuts, and through holes

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pathogens antigens

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to build muscle

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to build muscle

What are the 5 ways poison can enter your body?

absorb, inject, inhale, ingest, splash

What are all the ways heroin can enter the body?

The most common ways are to snort, swallow, smoke, inject into a vein, or inject into a muscle.

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Anabolic steroids can enter the body by injection or in pill form