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Q: What 2 parts of a body helps prevent germs?
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Do germs hide and attack unexpectedly?

No, germs are not alive and attack your body emediantly. Also you can prevent germs by being healthy and washing your body regularly.

Where you can find germs?

you can find germs in different parts of you body or even on random things

What coats germs to prevent them from harming the body?

Your skin is the biggest thing that protects your body.

Helps the body's immune system to recognize and reject germs?


Helps immune system recognize germs and reject them?

The immune system recognizes germs thanks to specialized cells and molecules that can identify the foreign invaders. Once identified, the immune system activates a response to eliminate the germs from the body. This recognition and rejection process is crucial for protecting the body against infections and maintaining overall health.

Does blubber help to prevent water loss from the body?

Blubber, or subcutaneous fat, helps prevent heat loss from the body. Keratin in the epidermis helps prevent water loss from the body.

Lymphatic system in a sentence?

The lymphatic system in your body, helps fight germs and infections.

Why do you need germs on your body?

The human body can handle some germs in the body it helps the body learn to fight and build up an immunity. The body will learn what is foreign like a bacteria and fight against it to promote health. A flu shot is putting a little bit of the flu germs in our body so the body can build up antibodies against it.

How does the cell theory work?

cell work by a microscope to see it and the are a germs and some parts of our body

Are germs important to everyday living for humans?

Yes germs take up parts of the body, I other words "Bacteria" although germs are usually regarded to bad bacteria, bacteria that might cause diseases.

What parts of the body protect against germs and disease?

The skin provides physical protection, gastric fluid in the stomach kills germs due to its high acidity, etc...

How does you body fight infectiouse disease?

When germs get inside you, white blood cells in your blood start to make antibodies. These are special chemicals the find germs and then stick to them. This helps other white blood cells in your body find the germs and destroy them. When you are sick, your body makes more white blood cells to protect you.