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Q: WHat blocks your nose when you have a cold?
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What is a grey blob up nostrills which blocks your nose?

A nasal polyp is a gray blob in the nostril that blocks your nose.

What comes out of your nose in cold?

Ikun comes from your nose in cold

Why do you honk when you blow your nose?

It could be because some people have sinus issues. It is common. When we have a cold as well, sinus pressure makes us think we have a stuffy nose, when we really don't. So when we blow our nose it blocks up and creates a dry and almost honking sound.

When was The Spy with a Cold Nose created?

The Spy with a Cold Nose was created in 1966.

What is the duration of The Spy with a Cold Nose?

The duration of The Spy with a Cold Nose is 1.55 hours.

You have running nose with blood in cold time?

If you have a cold, a runny nose with blood can sometimes be normal. If you do not have a cold and it is just the winter season, your runny nose with blood could be due to the dry, cold air.

Why should we bloww our nose very carefully when have a cold?

why should we blow you nose very carefully when you have a cold

How do you decide cold is due to excess of heat or cold?

If your nose is dry and your throat dry and sore it is heat, if you nose is dripping and wet then it's the cold.

Why can't you hum while holding your nose?

It blocks the air ways.

Does garlic affect your sleeping?

Yes, because it blocks up your nose

Should a dogs nose be cold or hot?

Your dog's nose should be wet and cold. A sign that says your dog is healthy and hydrated. A hot nose may mean sickeness, and may need a vet.

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why? do u hav an ugly nose?