Garlic affects your body odor. When you sweat it will smell pretty bad.
no no no no no!!!!!!!!
White spots on peeled garlic are caused by a natural enzyme reaction that occurs when the garlic is exposed to air. This reaction is harmless and does not affect the taste or quality of the garlic.
Garlic turns purple due to a natural chemical reaction that occurs when the garlic is exposed to certain conditions, such as cold temperatures or high acidity. This color change does not affect the taste or quality of the garlic.
Sleeping does not affect Puberty starting.
It doesn't
yes it affects
No. Position while sleeping does not affect growth.
Crushed garlic is when the garlic cloves are pressed or smashed into a paste, while minced garlic is finely chopped into small pieces. The difference in texture affects the flavor of a dish as crushed garlic tends to have a stronger and more intense flavor compared to minced garlic.