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What does as far down mean?

The coin fell as far down into the well as possible. "Far down", usually neans, the deepest limit. He lives "far down" the street. He lives a long ways down the street.

What is the fraction for 0.34?

17/50 (rounded down as far as possible).

Can 13 over 15 be simpified?

No, 13/15 is a simplified as far down as possible.

What body wash does Selena Gomez like?

Selena Gomez uses Olay face wash, she said it in a live chat.

What if the doctor said you miscarried but you didnt have any pains is that normal?

It is possible, especially if you were not very far along with your pregnancy.

If sperms goes inside of you can you and wash it out?

You can attempt but your best bet is to take the Plan B drug immediately when you can to be sure you will not get pregnant. You can physically clean out the area however its very possible that sperm have traveled up the uterus. That said its not easy to get pregnant, only a few days out of your cycle that its possible but I would request Plan B to be 100% sure. You could try some anti-spermicide but its most likely too late as far as physical path travel. #2 answ: You cannot wash it out!

How far can it be said?

It can be said only so far.

What do you do if you hear a Danger call in Golf?

The danger call is "Fore" ... best thing is to duck or crouch down as far as possible.

What should you do if your car breaks down in a tunnel?

Pull over as far to the right as possible and turn on the emergency flashers immediately.

When you wash your hands you should stand how far from sink?

no correct answer

What are some good jokes to own your friends?

i was walking down the road the other dday and i wanted to know how far it was to the train station so i bumped into this guy and i said how far is it to the train station and he said 4 mile (really grumpy voice)amd i said sorry what and he said 4 miles roughly speaking ( gravely voice)

How far did John Wilkes Booth jump down at the ford theater?

It's been said he jumped about 9-12 feet.