smoking is the devil. you will act like a complete idiot. pot smoking losers, get a life.
yes.the water in the bong cools the the smoke doesnt damage your lungs as much and gives you a better rip. i just hit mine
A water bong, since you do not smoke burnt paper fumes. Also, i belive the water works as a kind of filter. But if you want to make smoking THC healthier, do some research on VAPOR smoking. You'll be glad you did.
makes it look cool
Bongs are less harmful than joints. Although bongs will get you higher faster / allow you to inhale more smoke at one time, joints involve you inhaling burning paper, which is less healthy than the pure smoke filtered through water a la the bong. A healthy way to smoke is vaporizing. And edibles are even healthier than that. However, all of the above are healthier than smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, or eating at McDonalds. Yet marijuana is illegal and FOX News is still on TV. :(
yes. -------- no, it is not. Although, smoking through a Hookah or a Water Bong would be safer.
Yes, she was smoking saliva in a bong.
No, that picture of him smoking a bong was just an impersonator.
smoking bong.
In slang terms, a 'bong hit' is the definition of taking a hit or smoking cannabis. A bong is a term for a pipe that the substance is smoked from or inhaled. One would take a deep breath and inhale through the bong, taking the effect or hit at once.
A bong toke is synonymous to a draw on a cigarette. It is the inhalation of smoke (typically cannabis) from the bong (cannabis smoking paraphernalia).
A bong works by filtering and cooling smoke through water, which helps to remove impurities and provide a smoother smoking experience. The smoke is drawn through a bowl of cannabis, which is lit, and then travels through a downstem into the water where it is cooled before being inhaled through a mouthpiece.