first ask this friend if they are telling the truth, or if your not shure just go w/ the flow and be really good at looking for him staring!! :D good job with asking even though i am only eleven!!!
it means he wants to bang you... guys don't spy for other guys. that's a women's way of thinking
They were thinking of you a lot recently so they might be planning something about you when they fell asleep.
You tell her you found it where ever you found it. Simple as that.
You tell them... If you were true friend you would be honest with them. But if they don't believe you let them find out the hard way
make out with her
Well, if you did something that would make her not trust you, you should sit down and talk with her/him about it
most of the time it means that he is talking about you.
just quit thinking of sad things like a friend moving and move on to something to make you happy?
I believe you are thinking about the 1991 film Drop Dead Fred, starring Phoebe Cates and Rik Mayall.
Why does she need to believe you? Sounds childish. The only person you should be proving you love is the person you love sweetie.
Leave it alone. You aren't a therapist. Everyone has something; we all could benefit from therapy. You can gently try and point out that not everything is about her - but I was married to someone like this. Believe me, he didn't get it and neither will she. If you want to maintain the friendship everytime she starts up - just steer it another direction. Maybe that will get it across. Good luck!
You Might not believe it because of something that must of happened with a friend or a family member