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Never ever tell her. that will freak her out. I'm telling from experience. Don't do anything stupid like a love letter. Don't have your friends do it for you either. Never stare at her because I know from experience that that creeps them out.

I'm a girl. If you're going out with her, wait until she says she loves you. Then you can say you love her without freaking anyone out. If you aren't dating, I don't think you should tell her.

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just say it.....I LOVE YOU

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Q: To tell a girl i love her so much?
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How can you return a girl you love her so much?

tell her......

If a girl asks you why do you love her so much?

Tell her the truth and how you truly do feel about her.:)

How do i tell her im in love with her?

just tell her you care so much for her and she'll understand. trust me I'm a girl I know

You love a girl please help you how do you tell her?

see i love a girl . I live in bettiah .i want that this message goes all over India so that she knews that how much i love him.

What to say when your boyfriend asks why you love him so much?

Be honest with him. If you love him for the way he is, tell him. I have a TON of friends who are guys, and they love it when a girl is being honest with them.

How do you let a girl know that you love her so much?

Tell her! Have in mind the things you love about her. When you tell her you love her, tell her you love certain things about her, because it will show you have paid attention to her. Listening to her is one of the greatest shows of love, and definitely the most effective.

You love this girl so much what do you say?

iam say her that i love him so much

What if you love a girl so much that you want to marry her because shes perfect but you dont know if she likes you and you dont want to tell her you love her and have rejection what do you do?

How can you tell she is perfect when you can´t even tell her you are so much in love with her. Please, Take one step after the other. First go out with her. After a while you might tell her how much you love her. ( If you still feel the same !) After a couple of years you might think about getting married.

Tell you the story that the guy wouldn't fall in love with the girl because the girl knew she had cance r and he did end up falling in love?

A walk 2 Remember awesome movieI love that movie so much.

You love this girl but your too embarrassed to tell her?

There is no reason to tell this girl you love her right away and if you aren't dating then ask her out on a date and if you should start going together on a steady basis then that is when you tell her you love her. By doing so any sooner you may frighten her off because it's too much for her to handle immediately.

How do you tell a girl you love her if she is your best friends twin sister if your shy is there a way to drop hints or so thing?

Tell her "I love you"

What can you do to forget about a girl you love so much?

Find a new girl